Saturday, October 24, 2009

Ohashi in Veinna

Famous international Shiatsu teacher and practitioner Ohashi, originally from Japan, who has been living and working in New York for many years, came to Vienna for his very fisrt Ohashiatsu seminar.
His seminar was a great success... More than 60 students from different countries, mainly Austria, Germany and even Spain came to attend this 4 day seminar.... By chance, due to the fact that the organizer and Austrian Founder of Ohashi Shiatsu in Austria, Margarette Eller, is a friend of mine, I also had the pleasure to participate in this life-transforming course... It was an amazing experience and I must say that after the the physical and emotional burn-out, this seminar was exactly what I needed to help me to come back in touch with my spiritual path again.
To see more info abou the seminar and the original blog, please visit The Best of Vienna blog that we started recently: